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Dr. Syed Ibn Iqba



With over 20 years of experience in Da’wah, Muslim Advocacy, Islamic Outreach, Leadership Training, Counselling, and Mentoring, Dr. Syed ibn Iqbal is a passionate da’ee with endless enthusiasm for empowering Muslims and teaching the next generation of du’aat.

Dr. Syed holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology. He is a Doctor of Medical Dentistry, including obtaining a Masters in Laser Dentistry. He is also a graduate of the Oxford Executive Leadership Programme from the prestigious University of Oxford.


Dr. Syed is currently the Director of the Canadian Muslim Chaplaincy Organization (CMCO), Canada’s largest national network for Muslim Chaplaincy and Islamic Outreach. He has studied at the Islamic University of Al-Azhar (in Bekaa, Lebanon), Al-Madinah International University, and Knowledge International University. He has been given Ijazat on various collections of Hadith including Arba’een Anawawi and various hadith from the Saheeh Sitta.

Dr. Syed is also a Director and Head Instructor with the NYM Academy of ‘Ilm and Tarbiyah, where he has been running classes and halaqat for over 15 years. He is also the host of the Life Haqq podcast, the leading Canadian Islamic podcast.

Audiences and students appreciate Dr. Syed’s life experience in integrating Da’wah and Islamic work with other day-to-day responsibilities such school, work, and family. His primary passion in life has always been to uplift and enhance himself and the people around him through the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).